When Can I Brush My Teeth After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

Brushing your teeth helps keep them healthy and stain-free.

Just one day of no brushing will make your teeth vulnerable to plaque, bacteria, cavities, and other harm.

However, there are some circumstances where you may get confused about whether to brush your teeth or not.

Wisdom teeth removal surgery is one of the conditions where it becomes difficult to clean your teeth. That’s because gum wounds are sensitive and can’t get immediately ready after the surgery to be touched with complex objects such as toothbrushes.

Thus, knowing when you can brush your teeth after a wisdom tooth extraction is essential. And in this blog post, you’ll find the precise answer to that question, so let’s dive in.

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When Can I Brush My Teeth After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

When Can I Brush My Teeth After Wisdom Teeth Removal - Redstonelife.com

You shouldn’t brush your teeth for the first 24 hours after wisdom teeth removal.

The first day of extraction is quite delicate, and you must ensure that any toothbrush or solid food doesn’t get into your mouth; otherwise, it will interfere with the healing process and may lead to infection or bleeding.

The day after the wisdom teeth removal:

On the second day, you are allowed to brush your teeth as it is essential to clean your mouth to prevent infection or other harm.

However, ensure not to bring the brush too close to the extraction area while you’re brushing.

Try to avoid stiff bristle brushes and use soft instead.

Don’t spit the toothpaste, or it will pressure the healing site. Try to remove it slowly without causing massive force.

Note: Do not brush more than twice on the second extraction day.

The third day of the wisdom teeth removal:

After 72 hours (3 days) of teeth extraction, you can start brushing your teeth almost normally. However, it is still advised that you don’t let the brush touch the extraction site since this is still in the healing process.

Don’t brush too vigorously; use slow clockwise and anti-clockwise motions.

Brushing the extraction site for a long period is unnecessary because too much brushing can cause problems there.

How to brush your teeth after extraction?

Not brushing your teeth for 2 – 3 days can adversely affect your oral health.

The dental expert doesn’t mean to disallow oral hygiene for 72 hours. They suggest avoiding any sharp teeth cleaning method that could harm healing wounds.

As mentioned above, you can begin brushing your teeth the next day. Follow these steps:

  • Wet the toothbrush to make the bristles soft.
  • Apply a little bit of toothpaste (not the usual amount you’re accustomed to), so its chemical doesn’t reach the teeth hole.
  • Don’t rush and take your time to brush correctly.
  • Use circular, clockwise, and anti-clockwise motions over the teeth.
  • Don’t throw out water with force. Remove it slowly in drippings.
  • Try to use plain toothpaste than sparkling or flavoured ones.
  • Finally, clean your tongue using the backside of the brush.
  • Follow all the important Dos and Don’ts after wisdom teeth removal.

What to do about bleeding after brushing your teeth?

What to do about bleeding after brushing your teeth?

Bleeding from gums or from around the teeth is nothing out of the ordinary after the wisdom teeth removal surgery.

Harshly brushing the extraction site could also cause bleeding.

Either way, gently bite down a 2 x 2 compress for a few minutes when bleeding happens. The second option is to bite over a gauze pack.

If visiting your surgeon is an option, then make sure you do that.

What causes bad breath after wisdom teeth removal?

What causes bad breath after wisdom teeth removal?

Excessive bleeding could be a reason for bad breath after wisdom teeth removal.

Bleeding is one of the more common reasons for bad breath after wisdom teeth removal.

A straightforward solution against bad breath is to take a little water in your mouth and remove it slowly.

You can also use salt water rinse, which helps you to counter lousy breath after extraction.

It may also help you remove bacteria that may cause bad breath in your mouth.

A dry socket is another big reason for the bad breath. 

If you smoke, spit, rinse, or drink through a straw after surgery, there are higher chances of getting a dry socket.

What is a dry socket?

If you’ve been researching for some time, you’ve likely encountered the term “dry socket,” but what exactly is it?

Well, a dry socket is a condition when the blood clots dissolve from the surgery site before the healing is completed.

It usually occurs when you don’t take strict precautions and end up hurting your extraction site. 

A dry socket can also be caused by solid food, cigarettesoda, or fast foods like pizzaburgersquesadillasshrimpfrench fries, etc.

Therefore, it is necessary to let the extraction site heal and protect it from any possible harm.

Can you use floss after wisdom teeth extraction?

Flossing is a much safer bet than brushing. However, you should still be careful while using floss after surgery.

Just remember you can floss on every site except where the extraction was performed.

Can mouthwash be used after wisdom teeth removal?

It is not allowed to spit or gargle for the first 2 – 3 hours after wisdom teeth removal.

Plus, mouthwashes contain reactive chemicals which may become sensitive to your gum.

Therefore, mouthwash usage should be avoided till that time.

Is salt water rinse safe after wisdom teeth removal?

Saltwater is a natural and safe remedy to remove bacteria and bitter taste from the mouth.

It is also one of the best alternatives to mouthwashes in the starting days of wisdom teeth extraction.

You can start salt water rinse from the next day of your surgery using 1/3 teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water.

Note: Again, we’re reminding you not to spit the water. Remove it slowly by protecting the extraction site.

Can you use Miswak after wisdom teeth removal?

Miswak is one of the natural ways to clean your mouth.

You can use miswak from the next day of your surgery, but just like any other thing, don’t let it touch your surgery site.

If you can’t clean some teeth because they’re too inside from the extraction site, you can clean your front teeth until that time as they are not vulnerable to any harm.

What are some precautions to follow after wisdom teeth removal?

What are some precautions to follow after wisdom teeth removal?

After surgery, there are some essential points that you must follow to avoid any possible complications.

Don’t interfere with the tooth hole

Some people habitually touch their teeth extraction area with their tongue or finger.

Touching your healing gum can cause pain, inflammation or dry socket.

Be attentive and avoid this habit, especially when you are asleep.

Do not smoke

Even though smoking is not a solid substance, it harms your extraction site.

Say no to smoking for at least 4 – 5 days after wisdom teeth extraction.

Avoid straws

Straws create suction force in the extraction site.

Straws create suction force in the extraction site. Therefore, you should avoid drinking anything using straws until your gums are healed.

 The Bottom Line

Oral hygiene is essential in every situation. But after wisdom teeth removal, it is good to wait for at least one day before putting a toothbrush in your mouth.

The reason for restricting brushing is only to secure your gums from possible harm.

All in all, maintain proper oral hygiene, follow aftercare instructions and visit your doctor for queries if you need to.

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